CHANGE AGENTS AWARD Last Date to Apply – 2nd July, 2021

Are you someone who is using biodegradable sanitary products which includes (Menstrual Cups, cloth pads etc)? Apply for your Change Agent Award today!

Fill up the attached google form or contact us!

What is better for your body is also better for the Planet?


#Menstrual Cup

Lal Sakhi is happy to celebrate International Plastic free Day on 3rd July,2021

A call for each and every menstruating woman/girl out there using biodegradable/reusable sanitary products to get an opportunity to be a part of our Project Dharti and to grab your change agent awards today!

International Plastic free day is celebrated every year to create awareness about the negative impacts of disposable plastics on the planet’s environment. On this day we search for safer alternatives to function without so much plastic use.

One such alternative to plastic is to use biodegradable sanitary products by menstruating women/girls, which is not only healthier for the women’s body but also better for our planet.

Are you someone who is using biodegradable sanitary products which includes (Menstrual Cups, cloth pads etc)? Apply for your Change Agent Award today!